"Slow cities" originated following the trail of the Slow Food movement, created in 1986 by Carlo Petrini. Currently, 116 towns from 16 countries have received the acknowledgement.
"Slow cities" cannot exceed the limit set in 50,000 inhabitants.The Slow City manifesto contains 55 criteria, grouped into six categories upon which cities are assessed; environmental policy, infrastructure, quality of urban fabric, encouragement of local produce and products and hospitality.
Slow cities are characterised by a way of life that supports people to live slow. Traditions and traditional ways of doing things are valued. These cities stand up against the fast-lane, homogenised world so often seen in other cities throughout the world. Slow cities have less traffic, less noise, fewer crowds.
In the Basque Country two towns have passed the test: Lekeitio and Mungia.
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